Part 1: Galvanize Grad, Anh Nguyen starts out at Blndspt
Located in the heart of the Denver tech scene on Platte Street, Blndspt Consulting is a company comprised of a diverse pool of developers and engineers.
Our office is situated across the street from Galvanize, Inc, a tech school that offers full-time, part-time and online courses in software engineering and data science. As a company who embraces a culture of learning and creative collaboration, Blndspt continually hires new graduates from Galvanize, teaches them how to succeed in a fast-paced, start-up environment, and encourages continued professional development as they grow into seasoned engineers.
We’ve created a 3-part series to showcase our talented engineers and talk about what it is like being a Galvanize graduate.
Whether this is your first professional job or starting a second career, Blndspt encourages all employees to grow and learn as they jump into this exciting industry.
PART 1 | 6-months out of Bootcamp

To start our series off, we have chosen a recent graduate of Galvanize, Anh Nguyen. As one of our full stack developers, she has completed the Web Development Immersive course at Galvanize in mid-November, 2018.
An avid gamer for the better part of her life, Anh was inspired to start her career in development by the changes she wished to see in online gaming. She was referred to Galvanize by a friend whose daughter had gone to their bootcamp and came out confident in her abilities.
Q & A
L: So, what is a tech trade school like?
A: Hardcore. It’s a reasonably exclusive bootcamp. It’s not a pay to play, it’s a prove yourself to play.
Galvanize and other bootcamps alike are not for newbies in the development world. Anh had to apply, interview multiple times, and complete pre course work. Before being accepted, Galvanize asked that she expand her knowledge so that she would be ready for the intense course. Anh started her bootcamp as a knowledgeable techie and came out a seasoned developer.
L: Bootcamp is hard, what kept you going back every day?
A: The community, I didn’t expect it to be so fun. Your class is a team, and very helpful…”
Anh found herself surprised at the difficulty of the course, even though she had a solid foundation of technology going in, she was shocked to feel so new at this. But the difficulty shaped Anh into the strong developer she is today.
A: I don’t put up with excuses. Ya know, I was working full time and going to bootcamp and I’m a single mom. There’s no such thing as ‘Too busy’. It’s all about self-discipline and self-motivation. You have to want it.
L: This is your first job in tech, how did Galvanize prepare you to work at a company like Blndspt?
A: The most important thing that Galvanize taught me in order to prepare for work at a place such as Blndspt was ‘learning how to learn’. Being able to figure things out and teach myself new things in order to be versatile, because in the real world, no one is going to hold your hand every step you take — these are valuable skills in the ever-changing software world.
Stay tuned for Part 2 coming out July 8, 2019.
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I had no idea Galvanize requires the students to interview and meet a minimum level of knowledge before being admitted. That certainly changes my perspective of their program!