The Future of CUSS

Let's Talk

CUSS 2.0

In September 2019, the CUSS Technical Solution Group met in Montreal to plan out the release schedule for the CUSS 2.X specification in tandem with the end-of-life schedule for the 1.X line. Blndspt takes a lead role in driving the working group on future technology requirements regarding kiosk software.

A key focus of the new 2.X Specification aims to ensure that kiosk development can be achieved by web developers without proprietary training or expensive transient knowledge. Consequently, the reduction in cost to build and maintain CUSS applications will be a major benefit with 2.X.

A transitional period is scheduled before the complete retirement of the CUSS 1.X line to allow suppliers and airlines ample time to re-engineer their platforms. During this 36-month period, airline applications will be able to use the CUSS 1.4/1.5 and 2.0 platforms on the same kiosk. Airline applications will be able to make a dynamic decision as to which platform version to consume. This will allow for flexibility given that kiosk platform vendors will launch their 2.0 platforms at different times.

CUSS 1.x / 2.x Transition Schedule

Elevated CUSS SDK

A Faster, More Cost-Effective & Reliable Software Development Kit

Participating as key architects on the CUSS Working Group, Blndspt is the first in the industry to build a fully functional Common Use 2.0 bridge usable in both transitionary and full 2.0 compliance modes. This licensable platform is available immediately and will be ready for technology upgrades as they come with little to no down-time. Saving companies time and money as they buy into a license-and-go option without investing significant time into re-engineering their platforms for 2.X.

The Elevated CUSS SDK helps in-house software developers write CUSS-compliant applications faster by using the technologies they are familiar with. Additionally, Blndspt offers mutliple software solutions to common airport workflows such as our self-bag tag and drop (Elevated TaggingTM) and Agent Assist software to integrate into normal and irregular operational situations. These off-the-shelf software solutions accompany our platform and address many common barriers the travel industry typically faces in attempting to process passengers efficiently.


  • Adapts to all types of system architectures
  • Manages interfaces with the CUSS platform (card reader, passport reader, barcode reader, printers, etc)
  • Includes agent assist via cloud technology
  • Patented cloud technology facilities remote control (printing, lights, camera)
  • Leverages full monitoring & management capabilities
  • Increases security with modern technology
  • Bridges existing platforms to be CUSS 2.0 capable


  • Run CUSS 1.x and 2.0 side-by-side
  • Allows for the use of latest web technologies and browser independence
  • Abstracts away low-level device management complexities
  • Seamlessly integrate your mobile experience
  • Build custom applications with modern web development
  • Increase device personalization
   Until you’ve built a great product, almost nothing else matters.

– Sam Altman

American entrepreneur, investor, programmer, and blogger.

[BLNDSPT] Headquarters:

1553 Platte Street, Suite 300
Denver, CO 80202

Call Us:

(720) 574 - 9900

[ELEVATION] Headquarters:

1553 Platte Street, Suite 202
Denver, CO 80202