MASTERING the ‘Dev’ in


DevOps Means Development Operations

We Teach.  We Preach.  We Implement.  We Automate.

The industry tends to forget that DevOps stands for ‘Development Operations’.  As a result, the general focus with current cloud engineering is focused predominantly on ‘Operations’ with a complete oversight of ‘Development’.  You cannot build a workload in the cloud without developing it in some way.  Current statistics show that 80% of all cloud architects come from a background in networking, hardware, or general infrastructure.  We (stubbornly) come from engineering and development.  Architecting a cloud solution is only a fraction of the lifecycle.  Once a plan is devised, SOMEONE has to implement and automate the architecture (and let me give you a hint that it’s not a hardware or network engineer, it’s a developer).

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

The key cloud concept defining environmental and resource automation is IaC.  IaC defines the plan conceived by the architect, and facilitates the automation for it.  Manually building resources in today’s cloud world is a waste.  It has to be automated to survive the long-planned lifecycle of the resource.  In comes IaC automation.

Considering itself one of the foremost exports in the world, Blndspt has mastered all forms of cloud development automation, and can help you build a fully button-click environmental strategy regardless of size.

“Blndspt has built the only UI-driven Infrastructure Automation System in the world geared towards modelling IaC as a service you can provide to your environment managers.  No one else has done what these guys can do.”

Imagine requesting (or custom building) a complete environment with a few button clicks following all of your standards and guidelines that is fully managed and ready in minutes.  These are the paths we take with our customers, and these are the barriers we regularly shatter.


engineers using mobile devices and cloud technology
Infrastructure as Code Logos
interlocking gears saying Web, Application, Technology, Code signifying upgrade, remediation and accessibility

IaC: Declarative and Imperative Coding

Declarative coding has been around for more than a decade.  However, only in the last 3 years has imperative coding landed.  Declarative coding uses tools such as Azure ARM Templates and AWS Cloudformation.  Both are significantly better than manually managing resources.  However, both are also quickly losing steam with the advent of imperative coding tools.  Pulumi, AWS CDK, and (to a degree) Terraform afford substantially more flexibility with monumentally less code.  Pulumi affords imperative IaC in many different languages against nearly every cloud provider.  AWS CDK only works to create IaC with AWS alone.   The truth is, with imperative IaC, either you are using it, or you wish you were.

“Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a core pillar of a healthy implementation of AWS.  For anything bigger than a toy cloud application, IaC is table stakes.” 

-Jared Short, (…A Guide to IaC on AWS)

“With such a high degree of criticality on imperative IaC, you need a vendor focused on advanced development techniques, not solely infrastructure.”

Blndspt is this vendor.  We are certified in every AWS and Azure development discipline available.  We have worked directly with Amazon and Microsoft on their advanced cloud resource offerings, including IaC from end to end.

IaC Partners

engineers using mobile devices and cloud technology

We Practice What We Preach

Blndspt, with it’s partner Elevation Software, builds and maintains it’s own suite of airline products used by major airlines and airports 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  100% of all airport-mission-critical-infrastructure exists as Pulumi IaC deployed and running in Azure.  Blndspt, as both a Microsoft and AWS partner, contributes heavily to furthering these disciplines both through clients as well as through evangelism and teaching.

Blndspt created the PluralSight learning path for the AWS CDK TypeScript set of courses. 

In this capacity, we feel that teaching and speaking about these concepts puts us squarely ahead of the rest.

Expectations of a Blndspt [CLOUD] Engineer

Get Certified (Development First)

All Blndspt cloud engineers are required to have backgrounds in advanced software development disciplines.  As such, advanced development cloud certifications are required (certified cloud developer, certified cloud architect).


At Blndspt we believe in building fruitful and efficient partnerships.  Blndspt has partnered with Amazon, Microsoft, Pulumi, and others to bring you the most efficient cloud service imaginable. 


Nearly half of our engineers are author courses for PluralSight or some similar training platform.  Teaching galvanizes knowledge both through clients and community.

Practice What We Preach

Blndspt and Elevation Software engineers not only build applications, but they build the IaC that represents and deploys the applications.  As such, our engineers are well positioned to build cloud applications, workloads, and associated IaC.


Whether it’s AWS re:Invent, Microsoft Ignite, or just local meetup groups, engineers are required to speak at and/or attend local groups to both acquire and spread the most critical knowledge.


Training is required for all engineers, regardless of tenure and certification level.  Products and services change, so we change and grow with them. Becoming stale is not in our DNA.

Our Partners and Clients

   How many opportunities do we have to dramatically improve people’s lives just by doing our job a little better?

– Steve Krug

User Experience Professional
and Author of Don’t Make Me Think

[BLNDSPT] Headquarters:

1553 Platte Street, Suite 300
Denver, CO 80202

Call Us:

(720) 574 - 9900

[ELEVATION] Headquarters:

1553 Platte Street, Suite 202
Denver, CO 80202