Blndspt helps Frontier with the power of simulation
Blndspt Consulting, LLC, a software, product, simulation, and accessibility firm in Denver Colorado is currently striving to improve the world of travel through the power of simulation with Frontier Airlines. To date, Frontier Airlines, a Denver-based low-cost carrier, has struggled with passenger satisfaction due in part to long lines at airports. As with the majority of airlines, Frontier doesn’t currently support bag tag printing in their airports, a technology that Blndspt is setting up for Frontier. To prove the pure value and efficiency gains (not even customer satisfaction due to reduced or eliminated lines), Blndspt created a full-featured discrete event simulation demonstrating several options on usage of Elevated Bag TaggingTM
Elevated Tagging, a product created and operated by Blndspt Consulting, facilitates the newest technology experiences in passenger processing. In short, a passenger is able to simply ‘scan and tag’ directly from a mobile device or a printed bag tag, facilitating a bag tag print in less than 20 seconds, virtually eliminating airport lines. As a next-level add-on, users of the airline mobile app can be notified the minute they enter the airport to print their bag tag at a centralized tagging station as a “VIP” experience. Blndspt is paving the way for expensive airport lobby reductions by airlines as well as bag tag printing at remote locations so as to virtually eliminate lines at airports. “Imagine the experience where you simply print your bag tag at your hotel or at a rental car drop location and then hand off your bag to a drop service and then walk straight to the gate at the airport” says Scott Tate, the Chief Information Officer of Blndspt.
Denver Airport Frontier Airlines Current Baseline View
The Frontier current baseline experience creates 25-30 minute lines in its current state. The simulation here shows the impact of this through their busiest times of the day in the Denver Airport.
DIA Simulation Layout With Elevated Self-Tagging
With the use of Elevated Tagging, a more streamlined design shows how this airport can use self-tagging technology to significantly reduce line times. This extremely conservative simulation only sends 33% of the passengers through self-tagging using Elevated Self-Tagging. If even 40-50% usage is created, lines are elmininated almost completely.
Mr. Tate goes on to say that “Discrete event simulation is an extremely powerful and as of yet unused tool in this business. Blndspt can singlehandedly help airports and airlines both prove out their desired airport changes as well as leverage new technologies efficiently through the power of simulation”. As a summary statement, Mr. Tate explains that many organizations, including airports, spend millions of dollars on static reviews and models of workflow year after year where electronic simulation could provide all the tools necessary to continuously self-service experiment changes at a fraction of the cost.
PHD’s Malcolm Beaverstock and Allen Greenwood, considered to be fathers of the simulation and modeling industry, explain that “the only tool ever developed to analyze the stochastic nature and tug of war impact, relationship, and cost of customer, machine, and product waiting time is DISCRETE EVENT SIMULATION.”
Mr. Tate explains in summary that “nearly every organization that has seen the power of simulation has requested the creation of simulations for their particular enterprise. The cost/benefit factor is so high that clients, including Frontier Airlines, elected to go all in with Blndspt’s simulation expertise. I’m surprised that we don’t see more of this in the industry. We’ll change that.”
Blndspt Consulting currently participates on the IATA Common Use Self-Service (CUSS) working group to drive airport CUSS solutions into disruptive new directions. To that end, Blndspt has the first common use self-bag tag printing station in North America.

[BLNDSPT] Headquarters:
1553 Platte Street, Suite 300
Denver, CO 80202
Call Us:
(720) 574 - 9900
[ELEVATION] Headquarters:
1553 Platte Street, Suite 202
Denver, CO 80202