Blndspt Consulting Announces Partnership with Pulumi
[Cloud Development] Blndpt partners with pulumi creating an iac-powered leviathanThis article announces the partnership of Blndspt Consulting with Pulumi to officially form what we consider to be the best combination of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) mastery in the...
Website Not Accessible – Dominos Case Headed to Supreme Court
Guillermo Robles, a blind man, filed a federal lawsuit against Domino’s in September 2016. The case is headed to the Supreme Court. Website Not Accessible
Color Accessibility in Digital Design
This article addresses color accessibility in digital design. Not being able to see color or distinguish between colors is a visual impairment and an accessibility issue that affects 1.3 billion people globally.
Part 3: Galvanize Alumni, Brandon Thornton 4 Years Later
Part 3: 4 Years After Galvanize
Part 2: Galvanize Alum, Brian Mann 1 Year Out Of School
Part 2: Journey Through Trade School, Brian Mann
Reframing the Conversation Around Accessibility
Reposted with permission by Johan Huijkman from the Q42 Blog on Medium. Reframing the Conversation Around Accessibility & Disabilities.
Part 1: Galvanize Grad, Anh Nguyen starts out at Blndspt
We’ve created a 3-part series to showcase our talented engineers. To start our series off, we have chosen a recent graduate of Galvanize, Anh Nguyen.

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Denver, CO 80202
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(720) 574 - 9900
[ELEVATION] Headquarters:
1553 Platte Street, Suite 202
Denver, CO 80202